Prevention of child abuse

Podcast: Parental involvement in sport - audio series [NSPCC]

The NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) has launched a series of podcasts to share safeguarding guidance and best practice. The first 2 episodes have been released as part of Parents in Sport Week 2018, featuring sports parents and discussing how they contribute to their child's sport, the needs children of different age have related to sport, we well as how sport clubs can work with parents to provide them relevant information and support.

Check the link below to access available podcasts.

Start to Talk - Call for Action against Sexual exploitation and abuse [Council of Europe]

Sexual abuse happens in sport too. It is hard for children to talk. Video clip to call public authorities and the sport movement to give children a voice and stop child sexual abuse in sport. Produced by the Council of Europe with the support of the European Union in the framework of ProSafeSport .