
Video: 2019 Sporting Chance Forum: Safeguarding & Protecting Adult Athletes & Children in Sport

The Sporting Chance Forum 2019 (SCF 2019) was convened on 21-22 November at the United Nations (UN) Palais des Nations in Geneva during the week that commemorated the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). SCF 2019 continued the process begun in 2016 of building bridges between the worlds of sport and human rights, and supported the aims of the Centre for Sport and Human Rights

Video: MOVEMENT, GAMES & SPORT Action! [Terre des hommes]

Movement, Games and Sport is a non-formal methodology of education, developed by Terre des hommes Foundation, that aims to develop the professional and personal competences of the animator,  in order to increase the psychosocial and emotional abilities of the children and young people.

MGS is based on learning by experience and participation ( feedback) and has as main objectives to develop cooperation versus competition and social inclusion versus any type of exclusion and discrimination.

Video: The role of parents in supporting children and young people in sport [NSPCC]

Dr Camilla Knight describes the critical roles that parents play in supporting their children through their sporting journey. This includes the emotional support parents offer as children learn about winning and losing and ensuring they are a positive role model through their behaviour at competitions and when playing sport themselves.

Start to Talk - Call for Action against Sexual exploitation and abuse [Council of Europe]

Sexual abuse happens in sport too. It is hard for children to talk. Video clip to call public authorities and the sport movement to give children a voice and stop child sexual abuse in sport. Produced by the Council of Europe with the support of the European Union in the framework of ProSafeSport .